Impact on Physical Function and Quality of Life with Early Rehabilitation Post Renal Transplantation Living Donor: A Case Study

Ibrahim Agung, Fitri Anestherita, Luh Karunia Wahyuni, Nelfidayani Nelfidayani, Nazamta Yusfiatuzzahra


Background: Persons with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) experience poor quality of life due to poor physical function. After the transplant, his physical fitness did not improve, ultimately creating a vicious cycle of inactivity, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and other causes of death.

Methods: A 39-year-old man was diagnosed with ESRD and underwent a renal transplant from a living donor. He underwent early postoperative rehabilitation from day one and continued until he was discharged. The study was conducted at Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital.

Results: Persons with ESRD showed significant improvement during the rehabilitation program. On the sixth day, he took a 4-meter walk test in 17.58 seconds and made a good impression. He was then discharged and continued remote rehabilitation until day 14.

Conclusion: Physical inactivity leads to decreased survival, increased morbidity, and increased mortality. Early rehabilitation for post-renal transplantation may become a potential intervention to improve a person with ESRD's physical activity and quality of life, especially in Indonesia.


ESRD ; living donor ; rehabilitation ; renal transplantation ; quality of life

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 pISSN: 2008-6482
 eISSN: 2008-6490


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