Very High Dose Epinephrine for the Treatment of Vasoplegic Syndrome during Liver Transplantation

MB Khosravi, S Milani, S Ghaffaripour, A Sahmeddini, MH Eghbal, SA Malek-Hosseini


A 55-year-old man with hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcinoma was treated with liver transplantation without veno-venous bypass. During the procedure his arterial blood pressure remained at 55/30 mm Hg and did not respond to increasing doses of norepinephrine. Vasoplegia was managed aggressively with the intravenous infusion of high doses of epinephrine.


Epinephrine; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Liver transplantation; Vasoplegia

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 pISSN: 2008-6482
 eISSN: 2008-6490


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