Correlation between CMV Infection and Posttransplantation New-onset Diabetes Mellitus
Background: New-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation (NODAT) is a well-known complication of transplantation.
Objective: To determine the correlation between CMV infection and NODAT.
Methods: Retrospectively, we detected CMV replication (PCR) in every month after renal transplantation in the first 12 months of the procedure in a homogenous group of patients from the immunosuppression point of view.
Results: In 167 patients (64 with NODAT and 103 in the control group), the average amount of CMV viremia was not significantly different between the NODAT and the control group (p=0.929). In the 10th month of transplantation, we recorded a significantly higher CMV viremia in the NODAT group (p<0.0001), however, in the multivariant analysis, the observed statistical difference vanished. The survival of patients and grafts was 12 months after kidney transplantation without any statistically significant difference between the studied groups (p=0.611 and p=0.538, respectively). Conclusion: CMV is not a risk factor for NODAT.
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pISSN: 2008-6482
eISSN: 2008-6490
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