The Learning Curve of Pure Retroperitoneoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
Background: Retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy (RDN) is a well-established modality for the procurement of kidneys for renal transplantation. However the learning curve of pure RDN is not yet defined. Defining the learning curve will help in proper mentorship of the new donor surgeons besides providing safety to the donors.
Objective: To define the learning curve of pure RDN.
Methods: We analyzed the prospectively collected data of 102 voluntary kidney donors who underwent RDN by a single surgeon between August 2012 and April 2015 at our center. The donors were classified into group A (1–34), group B (35–68), and group C (69–102) according to the chronological order of their surgery. Left RDN was performed in 28 (82%), 25 (74%), and 28 (82%) donors of group A, B, and C, respectively. Right RDN was performed in 6 (18%), 9 (26%), and 6 (18%) donors of group A, B, and C, respectively. The clinical data were analyzed for each group.
Results: Statistically significant difference was observed for the mean operative time (p<0.01) and warm ischemia time (p<0.04). The operative time remained around 200 minutes after the initial 35 cases.
Conclusion: The learning curve of pure RDN was 35 cases, although the mastery requires more number of cases to be performed.
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pISSN: 2008-6482
eISSN: 2008-6490