Refractory Anemia in a Kidney Transplant Recipient
Anemia is a common finding after kidney transplantation (KT). Herein, we present a 34-year-old man who received a deceased-donor KT in 2017. Induction immunosuppression therapy consisted of thymoglobulin, tacrolimus (TAC) and methylprednisolone; the maintenance therapy included mycophenolate (MMF) 500 + 500 mg, TAC 4 + 4 mg and prednisolone (PD) 5 mg. One year after KT, he progressively developed dyspnea and fatigue. Laboratory exams revealed hypochromic microcytic anemia unresponsive to increasing doses of darbepoetin. Upper endoscopy and colonoscopy were normal. Bone marrow examination revealed erythroid hyperplasia with numerous proerythroblasts. Serology and viral load for human parvovirus B19 were both positive. Immunosuppression was reduced; he was treated with immunoglobulin. After one week, anemia improved. After 2 months the patient remained asymptomatic with stable hemoglobin. Although rare, PVB19 infection is a clinically significant infection that often presents as aplastic anemia in the post-transplantation period.
Refractory anemia; Kidney transplant; Parvovirus B19 infection
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